Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Cymatics - Sound and Frequency


Chladni's law
From Wikipedia

Chladni's law, named after Ernst Chladni, relates the frequency of modes of vibration for flat circular surfaces with fixed center as a function of the numbers m of diametric (linear) nodes and n of radial (circular) nodes. It is stated as the equation

    f = C (m + 2n)^p \

where C and p are coefficients which depend on the properties of the plate.

For flat circular plates, p is roughly 2, but Chladni's law can also be used to describe the vibrations of cymbals, handbells, and church bells in which case p can vary from 1.4 to 2.4. In fact, p can even vary for a single object, depending on which family of modes is being examined.

Hans Jenny

In 1967, the late Hans Jenny, a Swiss doctor, artist, and researcher, published the bilingual book Kymatik -Wellen und Schwingungen mit ihrer Struktur und Dynamik/ Cymatics - The Structure and Dynamics of Waves and Vibrations. In this book Jenny, like Chladni two hundred years earlier, showed what happens when one takes various materials like sand, spores, iron filings, water, and viscous substances, and places them on vibrating metal plates and membranes. What then appears are shapes and motion- patterns which vary from the nearly perfectly ordered and stationary to those that are turbulently developing, organic, and constantly in motion.
...With the help of iron filings, mercury, viscous liquids, plastic-like substances and gases, he investigated the three-dimensional aspects of the effect of vibration.
In his research with the tonoscope, Jenny noticed that when the vowels of the ancient languages of Hebrew and Sanskrit were pronounced, the sand took the shape of the written symbols for these vowels, while our modern languages, on the other hand, did not generate the same result! How is this possible? ...Is there something to the concept of "sacred language," which both of these are sometimes called? What qualities do these "sacred languages," ...possess? Do they have the power to influence and transform physical reality, to create things through their inherent power, or, to take a concrete example, through the recitation or singing of sacred texts, to heal a person who has gone "out of tune"?

..The fundamental and generative power is in the vibration which, with its periodicity, sustains phenomena with its two poles. At one pole we have form, the figurative pattern. At the other is motion, the dynamic process.

These three fields - vibration and periodicity as the ground field, and form and motion as the two poles - constitute an indivisible whole, Jenny says, even though one can dominate sometimes. Does this trinity have something within science that corresponds? ...

"The forms of snowflakes and faces of flowers may take on their shape because they are responding to some sound in nature. Likewise, it is possible that crystals, plants, and human beings may be, in some way, music that has taken on visible form."
 -  Cathie E. Guzetta

world mysteries

Jenny was convinced that biological evolution was a result of vibrations, and that their nature determined the ultimate outcome. He speculated that every cell had its own frequency and that a number of cells with the same frequency created a new frequency which was in harmony with the original, which in its turn possibly formed an organ that also created a new frequency in harmony with the two preceding ones. Jenny was saying that the key to understanding how we can heal the body with the help of tones lies in our understanding of how different frequencies influence genes, cells and various structures in the body.

Another Excellent site is with beautiful pictures that can be downloaded

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