Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Sathya Sai Baba on Buddha and the Indweller

from: saibaba.ws

Your body is composed of the five elements, and some day it is going to perish. The indweller of your body is the only permanent entity. When you inquire into truth, you will realize that there is nothing like old age and there is nothing like death for the indwelling Self. If you could understand that this indweller, who is your own reality, is God, then you will know the truth and enjoy infinite peace. 

Buddha who heard all these things with total detachment, replied to the person who brought the message, "Please, tell the King, 'Yes, my grandfather was a king. My father is a king, and I too was king. But now, I am a Sanyasin. I have renounced this world. And I believe my real parents are Sanyasins, and that my true ancestors are also Sanyasins. If you want me to come back, you must first answer these questions: Do you have the power to save me from death? Can you keep diseases away from me and guarantee to keep me in sound health? Do you have the capacity to prevent old age and senility from descending on me? Do you have the power to free me from all these evils? If you can give me the correct answers to these questions then I will immediately come back to the palace."
Buddha saw that birth was sorrowful, that life was sorrowful, and that the end was also sorrowful. He replied to his father in the correct way. After having seen all the sorrows of life and after having watched so many people suffering, he could not continue to wallow in ignorance and illusion; that would have been sheer foolishness. Buddha's life serves as a lesson for you. In the limited time given to you, you have to realize your true nature. That is the real objective of human life. Your body is composed of the five elements, and some day it is going to perish. The indweller of your body is the only permanent entity. When you inquire into truth, you will realize that there is nothing like old age and there is nothing like death for the indwelling Self. If you could understand that this indweller, who is your own reality, is God, then you will know the truth and enjoy infinite peace.
by Baba

Saturday, May 7, 2011



Sprout History
Medicinally and nutritionally, sprouts have a long history. It has been written that the Ancient Chinese physicians recognized and prescribed sprouts for curing many disorders over 5,000 years ago. Sprouts have continued to be a main staple in the diets of Americans of Oriental descent. Although accounts of sprouting appear in the Bible in the Book of Daniel, it took centuries for the West to fully realize its nutrition merits.

Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Brain Regions

From: ibva.co.uk/
Under hypnosis - Left Pre-frontal Cortex
"Under hypnosis, Dr John Gruzelier found that the highly susceptible subjects showed much greater brain activity on the left side of the prefrontal cortex than the weakly susceptible group. This is an area involved with higher level cognitive processing and behaviour." *

Friday, April 1, 2011

"The Fountain" by Aronofsky

A love story
the movie’s promo and its tagline – “What if you could live forever?"

From wikipedia
The film comprises three storylines where Jackman and Weisz play different sets of characters: a modern-day scientist and his cancer-stricken wife, a conquistador and his queen, and a space traveler in the future who hallucinates his lost love.....
"Darren Aronofsky described the core of the film as "a very simple love story" about a man and a woman in love, with the woman dying young...
"Instead of facing this tragedy in terror, she is coming to terms with what is happening to her...
Fear of Death "a movement from darkness into light, from black to white"...
"The moment Adam and Eve ate of the Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil, humans started to experience life as we all experience it now, which is life and death, poor and wealthy, pain and pleasure, good and evil. We live in a world of duality. Husband, wife, we relate everything. And much of our lives are spent not wanting to die, be poor, experience pain. It's what the movie's about."
Aronofsky also interpreted the story of Genesis as the definition of mortality for humanity. He inquired of the Fall, "If they had drank from the Tree of Life [instead of the Tree of Knowledge] what would have separated them from their maker? So what makes us human is actually death. It's what makes us special.""

Quotes/descriptions and scenes from the movie
The battle between the queen  of Spain and The Catholic Inquisitor :

You hear the inquisitor inveighing against the Queen of Spain as wanting an earthly paradise rather than life in the hereafter
the Inquisitor: 

Izzy to Thomas as they gaze at the stars:
The Mayans called it Xibalba. - Xibalba? It was their underworld. The place the dead souls go to be reborn... 
Someday soon it will explode, die, and give birth to new stars.         
How amazing that the Mayans chose a dying star to represent their underworld. Of all the healthy points of light in the sky, how did they find one that was dying?

The Queen(Izzy) to the Conquistador (Thomas):
Queen:"Will you deliver Spain from bondage?
Conquistador:   Upon my honor and my life.        
Queen:  Then you shall take this ring to remind you of your promise.  You shall wear it when you find Eden, and when you return, I shall be your Eve

"He's the very first human."
"Ugh... is he dead?"
"He sacrificed himself, to make the world..
The Tree of Life's bursting out of his belly...        
His body became the tree's roots. They spread and formed the Earth.         
His soul became the branches, rising up, forming the sky.         
All that remained was First Father's head.         
His children hung it in the heavens, creating Xibalba.         
Xibalba? The star.         
Nebula. "

"So, what do you think of that idea? Death, as an act of creation..."
Look. It explains their creation myth. You see, that's First Father. He's the very first human.         
Is he dead?         
He sacrificed himself to make the world.         

Symbology(from Wikipedia)

In The Fountain, the primary colors are gold and white. Gold represents "the Mayans, a sort of fool's gold, a false truth"; Aronofsky explained the choice, "When you see gold, it represents materialism and wealth and all these things that distract us from the true journey that we're on."[4] White was chosen to represent mortality and truth. Weisz's characters are white, and wear white or are enveloped in white light to accentuate this presentation. Secondary colors are green, representing the color of life, and red, representing death. The director also used similar geometric constructs in the film to distinguish the three storylines. The 16th century conquistador's tale reflected triangles through pyramids and constellations, the 21st century researcher's period reflected rectangles through doors, windows, and computer screens, and the 26th century contemplative's journey reflected circles and spheres through the spacecraft and stellar bodies

Xibalba (shee-BAHL-bah): Xibalba is the name of the underworld in the K'iche' Maya creation epic, the Popol Vuh. This story describes the creation of multiple worlds, and the journey of the Hero Twins Hunahpu and Xbalanque in the world prior to the present creation. The father of the twins, Hun Hunahpu, was killed in Xibalba after he and his brother lost to the Lords of Death in a ball game.
Hun Hunahpu's head was placed in a dead and barren tree, much like that in the glyph for K'an k'in, that magically began to bear new fruit that resembled his head. In the Popol Vuh, this was the first gourd tree, the skull-like fruits of which are used for drinking chocolate. Many centuries earlier, for the Maya of the Classic Period, this tree also appears to have been seen as a cacao tree (Theobroma cacao), the beans of which make the chocolate drink.
The Lords of Death made this tree forbidden to all citizens of Xibalba, but the allure of this strange and forbidden fruit was too strong for Xkik', the daughter of an underworld Lord, who had heard that the fruit was sweet. She approached the tree, and the head of Hun Hunahpu spoke to her there. He asked why she had come. She insisted that she wanted what he had to offer. She reached up her hand as if to pick the fruit, and through her hand, she became pregnant with the children of Hun Hunahpu.
After escaping the underworld, Xkik' became the mother of the Hero Twins, Hunahpu and Xbalanque, who would later return to Xibalba to avenge the death of their father and uncle. The Lords of Death invited the twins to play another game of ball, but this time, it was the Lords of Death who were defeated. The underworld Lords subjected the twins to further tests, but each time the twins emerged unscathed, outsmarting their opponents.
Finally, the Lords of Death decided to trick the Hero Twins by inviting them to a drinking game that involved jumping over a huge pit of fire. The Twins had already foreseen their immanent deaths, and without fear, they willingly jumped into the fire together. Just as they had planned, the twins were burned, their bones were ground into powder and poured into a river.
The Hero Twins had convinced the advisors of the Lords of Death to tell their masters that this was the one way to ensure that the twins would never return. However, this was the precise recipe that would ensure their rebirth.
The burned and powdered bodies of the Hero Twins were poured into a river, and within five days, the twins were reborn as two fish. They re-emerged from the water as masked magicians who had gained the powerful ability to bring anything back to life, including themselves. Performing for a growing audience in Xibalba, the twins were able to demonstrate their magic on one another, and with any audience member who would volunteer to be killed and resurrected. After the masked magicians were invited perform for them at their palace, the Lords of Death enthusiastically volunteered. So the Hero Twins killed the Lords of Death, but this time they did not bring them back to life.
The Hero Twins defeated death, avenging the deaths of their uncle and father, the latter of whom is known to be the deity of Maize from the Classic Period. In this way, the twins brought about the present creation, and the Popol Vuh says that they finally emerged from Xibalba as the sun and the moon.
Within this ancient story is a possible riddle of cacao. As children of their cacao pod father, the Twins returned to Xibalba, where they were roasted, ground into powder and poured into water, just as cacao is refined into chocolate. This is the recipe for rebirth. They reappeared as two fish...
In fact, the Maya word 'kakaw' is spelled with two fish glyphs, both representing the syllable 'ka'. These glyphs derive from the Maya word for fish as 'kay' or 'kar'. Sometimes, the scribe would use a two-dot reduplication symbol before the fish glyph, indicating that the sound is to be repeated twice. It is curious that the Maya word for 'two' is also 'ka'. In the example above from the famous Rio Azul cacao pot, we find both the two 'ka' glyphs together with the reduplication symbol, as well as the final syllable 'wa', spelling 'kakaw'. It therefore seems likely that the story of the Hero Twins transforming into 'two fish' derives from a pun on the word 'kakaw', and this pun is reinforced by the hieroglyphic script that spells this word with these fish glyphs.

Thursday, March 31, 2011



(click above link to see this picture in full size and entire article)

The Human Body and It's Frequencies

Frequencies of the Human Body in Hz

Georges Lakhovsky discovered that all living cells (plants, people, bacteria, parasites, etc) possess attributes which are normally are associated with electronic circuits, Dr. Royal R. Rife found that every disease has a specific frequency and found that certain frequencies can prevent the development of disease, Professor Harold Saxton Burr showed that these L-Fields could be used to predict illness by noting variations in them, Dr Reinhold Voll identified correlations between disease states and changes in the electrical resistance of the various acupuncture points, German biophysicist Fritz-Albert Popp found that a diseased cells will radiate a different photonic signature than healthy cells of the same type and Dr Robert O. Becker found the human body has an electrical frequency and that much about a person's health can be determined and influenced by it. 
...Every cell in the body vibrates at a certain frequency and groups of cells, which form together make bodily systems such as organs, have their own particular frequency, i.e. a healthy liver has a frequency of 55 to 60Hz.
OverviewEvery object on this planet, still or alive, has an electrical frequency that can be measured accurately. Electrical frequency is being measured by counting of the number of occurrences of a repeating current flow per second. This unit is called Hertz (Hz).
What Does Hertz Mean?
All atoms in the universe have vibrational motion. Each periodic motion has a “frequency”, (the number of oscillations per second), measured in Hertz:
  • 1 Hertz (Hz) = 1 oscillation per second (ops)
  • 1 Kilo Hertz (KHz) = 1,000 ops
  • 1 Mega Hertz (MHz) = 1,000,000 ops or 1 million
  • 1 Giga Hertz (GHz) = 1,000,000,000 ops or 1 billion
Living organisms have measurable frequencies on various levels from the entire body down to the cellular level. That fact has enabled scientist to conduct researches on humans and map their frequencies..... Biophoton emissions will vary according to the functional state of the organism....
The most incredible discovery was that ill cells reacted to very precise levels of frequencies and were cured or eliminated whilst nearby healthy cells remained intact.
It has also been discovered that the general human healthy frequency is within the range of 62 -72 Hz and when it drops to lower levels it enables the appearance of variety of diseases. For example at the level of 58 Hz, diseases like cold and flu were more likely to appear. On much lower levels (42 Hz) Cancer appeared in many humans.

Any movement of an object in any frequency can be changed by an external intervention of another frequency and the frequency of the human body and its cells is of no exception....
... unwanted virus, toxin or infection ...has its own unique frequency which can be isolated and ‘inverted' so it is 180° out of phase, then by delivering the inverted frequencies back to the body, it will neutralise/kill the virus, toxin or infection allowing the organ to recover and normalize therefore recovering in health. It was Dr Royal Rife who first discovered the importance of frequency. ...
Frequency & Health
The human body has a normal frequency range of 62 Hz to 68 Hz, as the frequency range lowers due to the constant use of alcohol or drugs, the worse the health condition becomes. When the frequency drops, the immune system is jeopardised. If it drops to 58 Hz, cold and flu symptoms start appearing, 55 Hz trigger diseases like Candida and at 52 Hz Epstein Bar virus, Cancer is at 42 Hz and below, whilst death begins at 20 Hz.
Measuring Frequency
Bruce Tainio of Tainio Technology in Cheney, Washington , developed equipment to measure the biofrequency of humans and foods. He used this biofrequency monitor to determine the relationship between frequency and disease.
The human body has an electrical frequency and that much about a person's health can be determined by it:
Normal brain frequency (head) 72-78 Hz
Visionary Range 120 MHz
Bone 38-43 MHz
Brain frequency at 80-82 MHz indicates a genius
Healthy body (neck down) 62-68 Hz
Thyroid and Parathyroid glands 62-68 Hz
Thymus Gland 65-68 Hz
Heart 67-70 Hz
Human cells start to mutate when their frequency drops below62 Hz
Lungs 58-65 Hz
Liver 55-60 Hz
Pancreas 60-80 Hz
Disease begins, colds invade 59-60 Hz
Stomach 58-65 Hz
Ascending Colon 58-60 Hz
Descending Colon 58-63 Hz
If the frequency drops just 4 points this is when a headache will start58 Hz
Disease begins, Like the cold symptoms 58 Hz
Flu invades the body 57 Hz
Viral Infection 55 Hz
when more serious problems come about like pneumonia, Epstein Barr and etc. 52 Hz
Tissue breakdown from disease 48 Hz
Cancer can set in 42 Hz
Death begins at 20 Hz
Invading pathogenic frequencies (toxins & viruses) are low. Positive beneficial bacterial frequencies are higher.
  • Pollutants lower healthy “Frequency”
  • Processed or canned food has a frequency of zero
  • Fresh produce has up to 15 Hz
  • Dry herbs from 12-22 Hz
  • Fresh herbs from 20-27 Hz.
  • Frozen foods have a frequency of zero
Human Health
The use of electrical energy to reverse or eliminate disease led to research and discovery of electrical frequencies and how they can be used to regain, maintain and improve health.
There have been clinical studies conducted on the effectiveness of using the above techniques for asthma, allergies & skin disease.
Independent Clinical Trial:Success Rate
Clinical results for treatment of asthma93.7%
Clinical results for treatment of allergic diseases78% to 89%
Clinical results for treatment of allergic skin diseases89.9%

Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Emotrance Self Healing

Silvia Hartmann of DragonRising has brought forth so many wonderful healing techniques!
Here is a small sampling of EmoTrance self-healing
This technique can be used on others as well.
the entire article and ways to use this with others
(1 - 44) can be found at this link: emotrance.com

45. You can do EmoTrance for yourself.
It is easy to learn.
EmoTrance is natural.
Children can learn to do EmoTrance.

46. Notice when you feel emotions in your body.
Where do you feel your fear, your anger, your sadness?
Show yourself with your hands.
Pay attention every day to the emotions in your body.

47. Use your healing hands of energy.
Put your healing hands of energy on your body where it hurts.
Ask, "Where does this need to go?"
Say, "Soften and flow!"
Pay attention to where the energy wants to go.
Let it flow all the way through and out of your body.
The more you do EmoTrance, the easier it becomes.

48. Let more energy come into your energy body.
Take a moment each day to draw the energy of the sun in, through and out.
Let the energy of many things flow into you.
Flowers, animals, stones, water, the earth, the sky, trees all have wonderful life energy.
People, music, works of art, angels are different forms of energy that feel good too.

49. Let energy burdens flow away.
Ask, "Is my energy body carrying any burdens? Where do I feel this in my body?"
Say, "These burdens are only an energy! Where do they need to go? Soften and Flow!"

50. Energy must always flow.
Sometimes people try to hold on to energy in their energy body.
This is very unhealthy.
Ask, "Am I holding on to old energy? Where do I feel this in my body?"
Say, "This is only an energy. Energy must flow. Where does it need to go? Soften and Flow!"
When the energy flows again, you will feel much better.

51. EmoTrance is very useful.
You can use it anywhere because no-one can see it.
You can use EmoTrance to flow away fear, anger and sadness as soon as it comes to you.
You can use it to heal the past.
You can use EmoTrance to have a better life today.
You can use EmoTrance to fill yourself with beautiful energy any time you want.
Even for a beginner, EmoTrance makes a big difference.
With practise, EmoTrance gets better, and better!

Third Eye, Ventricles and Thalamus

from youtube

Circulation of Cerebral Spinal Fluid
from: Umea University

Structures of the Brain

Thalamus (caudacus and Tree of life)
Third ventricle

The third ventricle (ventriculus tertius) is one of four connected fluid-filled cavities comprising the ventricular system within the human brain. It is a median cleft between the two thalami, and is filled with cerebrospinal fluid (CSF).
It is in the midline, between the left and right lateral ventricles.
In casts of the ventricular system, a small 'hole' may be seen in the body of the third ventricle. This is formed where the two thalami are joined together at the interthalamic adhesion (not seen in all people).

Cerebrospinal Fluid
from: wikipedia
The CSF is produced at a rate of 500 ml/day. Since the brain can contain only 135 to 150 ml, large amounts are drained primarily into the blood through arachnoid granulations in the superior sagittal sinus. Thus the CSF turns over about 3.7 times a day. This continuous flow into the venous system dilutes the concentration of larger, lipoinsoluble molecules penetrating the brain and CSF.

Reference ranges in CSF
SubstanceLower limitUpper limitUnit
RBCsn/a[3]0[3] / negativecells/µL

from Wikipedia
"every sensory system (with the exception of the olfactory system) includes a thalamic nucleus that receives sensory signals and sends them to the associated primary cortical area.

... For the visual system, for example, inputs from the retina are sent to the lateral geniculate nucleus of the thalamus, which in turn projects to the primary visual cortex (area V1) in the occipital lobe. The thalamus is believed to both process sensory information as well as relaying it...

 Thalamic nuclei have strong reciprocal connections with the cerebral cortex, forming thalamo-cortico-thalamic circuits that are believed to be involved with consciousness. The thalamus plays a major role in regulating arousal, the level of awareness, and activity. Damage to the thalamus can lead to permanent coma.
I was later pleased to find that Mavromatis, the author of the book, Hypnagogia (no doubt the most extensive work on the subject) states his opinion "that the Thalamus is the centre of consciousness and is the source of hypnagogic phenomena".

Intermediate Mass of the Thalamus
  1. not found in all brains
  2. apparently not an essential structure
  3. a connection between the right and left thalamic portions
  4. found crossing the third ventricle

Monday, March 28, 2011

Solfeggio Frquencies

The 9 Solfeggio frequencies are first played separately and then all together

Solfeggio Arpeggio is Ambient Electro Trance; that has been done in the Ancient Solfeggio Scale.

18 Solfeggio Tone Arrangement

The girl who silenced the world for 5 minutes

Sunday, March 27, 2011


From: Luminanti.com

RED is hot, initiating, pushes through, fire, igniting, stimulating, vitality, anger, life-force energy, revolution, change, ambition, grounding, Earth, Gaia, power, war, passion, alert, danger, pioneering, activity and force without consciousness, blood, positive, aggression, liberation, survival, material side of life, primal, awakening, emerging. In relation to the physical body, RED is good for circulation, chronic illness, non-infected wounds, scar tissue, strengthens kidneys, heart, muscles, blood, lungs, bones. RED lives in the Root or Base Chakra. More...

ORANGE is joy, happiness, warmth, creativity, pleasure, sensuality, sexuality, generosity, moves energy gently, awakening to wisdom within oneself, sociable, aspiring, gregarious. In relation to the physical body, ORANGE is good for depression, cramping anywhere in body, relaxant, sclerosis, heart disease, boosts immune system, circulation, raises blood pressure, artery disturbance (especially in legs), genitals, fear (alternate with blue), endocrine balancer (when used with blue), cleans and purifies hormonal system. ORANGE warms the Sacral Chakra of creativity. More...

YELLOW is mental activity, learning, intellect, acquired/learned knowledge, little will, individuation, alertness, concentration, focus, cheerful, sun, warmth, cleaning, fear, left brain, empowerment, self-esteem, confidence. In relation to the physical body, YELLOW is good for combating fear (obsessive, habitual), digestion, stomach, gall bladder, liver, immune system, fortifies endocrine and nervous systems, nerve tonifier, motor stimulant, assimilation, lateral disturbances, helps chronic to become acute. YELLOW clearly says "here I am" in the Solar Plexus Chakra. More...

OLIVE speaks of new beginnings, hope and peace. It is the color of new spring growth, life coming out of dormancy. lives in the area of the xyphoid process which is the bridge between the lower and higher Chakras. More...

GREEN is sedative, cooling, calming, soothing, fluidity, growth, balance, money/prosperity, birth, new beginnings, nature, health, healing, heart, loving, expansion, curosity, good for people who do precision work, space, trust, feelings, integrity, harmony, seeking Truth, relationships. In relation to the physical body, GREEN is good for liver, swelling or growth, anti-inflammatory, eye problems, bronchial catarrh, gout, diabetes, cysts, tumors, pituitary stimulant, washes out endo-toxins, promotes healthy bones, painful joints, allergies. GREEN abides in the Heart Chakra center. More...

TURQUOISE is bridging color, higher heart, making contact with yourself, communication of the heart, creative communication, studying and gathering information, learning, unconditional love, self-respect, respect for all life, taking individual responsibility, silica technology: crystals, computers, media. In relation to the physical body, TURQUOISE is good for immune system, skin (burns and infections), mental relaxation, acidic, tonifier, regulates lung/large intestine systems. TURQUOISE stimulates the Thymus center, or Higher Heart Chakra. This Chakra has only been recently awakened by cosmic time. TURQUOISE resonates at the Higher Heart Chakra located at the thymus gland. More...

BLUE is calming, deep inner peace/"peace that surpasses all understanding", nurturing Mother and protecting/benevolent Father, deep, restful, openess, cooling, relaxing, assists in making deep changes, higher mental activities (3rd eye), insight, wisdom, sky, water, sadness, faithful/tru blue, unity, safety, godliness, communication that comes through us, clarity. In relation to the physical body, BLUE is anti-bacterial, anti-infection, anti-cramping, headaches, helps farsightedness, facilitates restful sleep, pain relieving, nervousness, insomnia, hemorrhage, herpes, warts, lowers blood pressure, fever. BLUE creates the open space for clear communication at the throat and resonates with the Throat Chakra. More...

INDIGO/ROYAL BLUE is the higher mind that is connected to the all-that-is, the akashic records, the cosmic library. It is the color that makes contact with your "inner vision" or intuition, that part of you which sees beyond the five senses. It resonates at the causal Chakra at the back apex of the head. INDIGO/ROYAL BLUE says claim your inner power. INDIGO/ROYAL BLUE resonates at the Ajna or 3rd Eye Chakra. More...

VIOLET is stimulates emotions, meditation, isspiration, intuition, inner emotional release, opening inner doors, stimulates dreams, wisdom, spirituality, higher mind, power, Thy will, letting go, vision, transformation, alchemy, loyalty, synthesis, integration, mysticism, clairvoyance/clairaudience/clairsentience, service, union, artistry, balance of male and female. In relation to the physical body, VIOLET is good as for menopause, spleen, sedative, relaxant, build leucocytes, lymphatic relaxant, soothes solar plexus, neutralize mercury from fillings, anti-viral. VIOLET, a combination of blue and red, connects the spirit and matter of ourself at the Crown Chakra. More...

WHITE/CLEAR pigment is the lack of any color, while WHITE/CLEAR light contains all colors. Since all colors are present, white does everything on all levels: physically, emotionally, mentally and spiritually (pems). White is about purity, innocense, softness, illumination, release, brilliance, radiance, transcendence, merging with God/Goddess/Universe/Nature/Spirit or whatever one calls their higher power. In relation to the physical body, WHITE/CLEAR is good for everything as the innate intelligence of the body will take whatever colors it needs. WHITE/CLEAR, being all color, resonates with not only all Chakras, but everywhere in our Being. WHITE/CLEAR lives in all the Chakras, but is often associated with the Crown Chakra. More...

MAGENTA is bridge to Spirit, connection with Divine Love, caring in the little things, Love from above, beyond passion into compassion, abundance that is always there. Magenta connects us to what it is like to exist out of our physical bodies as pure Spirit. It is the bardo state, when we have left our physical shells and before we incarnate into a new physical lifetime. MAGENTA is that in-between place, the place beyond the veil of physical illusion. MAGENTA resonates above the Crown Chakra at the Transpersonal or Soul Star Chakra. More...

The hertz vibration on the planet is rising, as well as everything on, in and around it. We are now able to perceive new colors that we have not seen before. Notice the light as it reflects off the bark and leaves of trees and the soil... notice the color of the sky. Colors are becoming richer, deeper, and many new colors are making themselves available to our perception. What are these colors and what do they mean? Some of these are the in-between colors or the paler colors of the rainbow spectrum and they offer us a deeper understanding of ourselves.

The new colors are really not so new. They are the "in between" colors and the paler colors of the rainbow palette.
The "in-between" colors are those colors between the rainbow colors of the Chakras. The "in between" colors give to us the nuances of realities beyond our 3-dimensional knowing. They show us that so much more exists than our everyday reality. By meditating and wearing these colors, you may find the "in betweens" of yourself.
The paler colors are the colors we know but with more light in them. It's as if a spotlight has been shown on color so that more of that particular color speaks in our life. It is color with intensity. Often what is hidden in the paler colors is an experience of unshed tears and suffering.

PALE TURQUOISE is a bridge from outside of ourselves to the inside, knocks on the door to the soul, opens inward to our connection with Spirit, our soul and our personality. PALE TURQUOISE takes us from focusing on our external lives and reveals to us that we have an inner life, a life just as mysterious and rich with discovery and potential as our outer life.
PALE TURQUOISE is the more intense form of TURQUOISE resonates at the Higher Heart Chakra located at the thymus gland. More...

LIGHT GREEN arouses heightened awareness of our finer nature, our pure goodness, generosity, attuning to our goodness on the outside. LIGHT GREEN takes us deeper within ourselves showing us the perfection and light that we have always been and always will be. We discover that we are fine just the way we are!
LIGHT GREEN is the more intense form of GREEN, which resonates at the Heart Chakra. More...

DEEP MAGENTA stirs our soul. It is an invitation to look at the shadow side of ourselves. It is the shadow/dark side of ourselves that exists within us, but which we refuse to see. It represents the unconsious and subconscious within us. It is where the light does not seem to exist, but in fact, light does exist in the dark. We just don't see it. Question: How would we recognize the dark without the light? DEEP MAGENTA lives in the void, the bardo state between death and life.
DEEP MAGENTA is a more intense form of MAGENTA, which resonates at the Transpersonal or Soul Star Chakra. More...

CRIMSON/WINE/DEEP RED/MAROON is pure humanity, resonating your inner program, the crystallization of the inner self, attuning to the goodness on the inside, our inner sense of purpose. CRIMSON/WINE/DEEP RED/MAROON shows us the holograhic nature of all life, that we are a piece of the cloth of Creation and therefore all life everywhere is made of the same stuff. CRIMSON/WINE/DEEP RED/MAROON is the color of the Earth Star Chakra below the feet, where we deeply connect and are grounded deep into the Earth. It is where Mother Gaia feeds us life force energy.
CRIMSON/WINE/DEEP RED/MAROON is a more intense form of RED, which resonates at the Root or Base Chakra. WINE/DEEP RED/MAROON helps to keep one's boundaries by protecting one from psychic and physical attack. More...

ROSE PEACH/CORAL is the Spirit resonating within each of us. It is our angelic quality, the loving clear space within, our Spirit pure. ROSE PEACH/CORAL is the freedom and flight of our inner spirit, attuning with Source and meeting the Light. ROSE PEACH/CORAL reminds us that the only thing that is important is just to BE who we are and that that is enough. ROSE PEACH/CORAL resonates at the Sacral and Transpersonal or Soul Star Chakras. More...

GOLD is the the ancient wisdom lying deep within the soul, an eternal seed planted aeons ago, ready in this new age to sprout once again and usher forth the knowledge of the ancients. GOLD resonates at the Naval, Crown and the higher Chakras above the Crown. More...

ROSE/PINK is softness, gentleness, motherly unconditional love. It represents self-acceptance, self-love, self-forgiveness and non-judgement. It can also denote romantic love. ROSE/PINK is the happiness and joy from loving and being loved. ROSE/PINK resonates at the Root or Base and Heart Chakras. More...
(Yin) -
Symbolizing money & income, black is great for careers, especially when combined with metal. It is the color of emotional protection & power.
(Yin) - Calm & soothing, blue reflects love as it heals & relaxes. It creates a feeling of peace & trust. It is tranquil & calming. It is the color of the sea & sky, so it tends to represent adventure & exploration. Navy blue is the color of intellect and wisdom.
Yang) - Brown is the color of Industry, being grounded & hard-working.
(Yang) - It is the color of God’s consciousness.
(Yin) - Green is refreshing, nurturing, balancing & normalizing as in being surrounded by the lush green of nature. It is the color of harmony, balance, healing & health; physical, emotional & spiritual. The color is good for growth & expansion because it is peaceful and calming.
(Yang) – Lavender is the color of sexual indecision. It suggests an ability to be manipulated.
(Yang) - Being neither red nor blue, maroon represents indecisiveness.
(Yang) – Mauve is the color of world consciousness..
(Yang) - Orange is the color of organization for it strengthens concentration. You might need this when your creative well runs dry. It gives you a sense of purpose.
(Yin) - The color of love.
(Yin) - Purple, like blue, is the spiritual end of the color spectrum. It boosts spiritual awareness and is excellent for physical & mental healing. It is the color of royalty.

(Yang) - This is the color of good fortune as it attracts recognition & respect for the person who uses it, especially in the winter. It is a color of confidence and is the color of luck, money, joy, protection, & self awareness.
(Yin) – Silver is the color of the trustworthy & the romantic.

(Yang) – Tan represents the color of the earth, portrays neatness, & helps conceal emotions.

(Yang)- Poised & confident, white works better when it is combined with gold or silver to generate an atmosphere of influence and control. White is the color of purity, goodness, & trustworthiness
(Yang) - Considered as favorable as red, yellow represents sunbeams, warmth, & motion. This color can make you feel cheerful. However, according to a noted color consultant, prolonged exposure to large amounts of intense yellow can cause anxiety. Yellow is the color of communication, health, happiness, & friendliness.

and from LogoInventive
Importance & Psychology Of Colors.

Color Psychology.
While perceptions of color are somewhat subjective, there are some color effects
that have universal meaning. Colors in the red area of the color spectrum
are known as warm colors and include red, orange, and yellow. These warm colors evoke emotions ranging from feelings of warmth and comfort to feelings of anger and hostility.

Colors on the blue side of the spectrum are known as cool colors and include blue, purple, and green. These colors are often described as calm, but can also call to mind feelings of sadness or indifference
Color Psychology.

While perceptions of color are somewhat subjective, there are some color effects that have universal meaning. Colors in the red area of the color spectrum are known as warm colors and include red, orange, and yellow. These warm colors evoke emotions ranging from feelings of warmth and comfort to feelings of anger and hostility.

Colors on the blue side of the spectrum are known as cool colors and include blue, purple, and green. These colors are often described as calm, but can also call to mind feelings of sadness or indifference

The Color Psychology of Black


  • Black absorbs all light in the color spectrum.
  • Black is often used as a symbol of menace or evil ,but it is also popular as an indicator of power. It is used to represent treacherous characters such as Dracula and is often associated with witchcraft.Black is associated with death and mourning inmany cultures. It is also associated with unhappiness, sexuality, formality, and sophistication.
  • In ancient Egypt , black represented life and rebirth .
  • Black is often used in fashion because of its slimming quality .
  • Consider how black is used in language: Black Death, blackout, black cat, black list, black market, black tie, black belt.

The Color Psychology of White


  • White represents purity or innocence .
  • White is bright and can create a sense of space or add highlights.
  • White is also described as cold, bland, and sterile . Rooms painted completely white can seem spacious, but empty and unfriendly. Hospitals and hospital workers use white to create a sense of sterility.

The Color Psychology of Red

  • Red is a bright, warm color that evokes strong emotions .
  • Red is associated with love, warmth, and comfort .
  • Red is also considered an intense, or even angry, color that creates feelings of excitement or intensity .
  • Consider how red is used in language : redneck, red-hot, red-handed, paint the town red, seeing red

The Color Psychology of Blue

  • Blue is described as a favorite color by many people and is the color most preferred by men . Women tend to buy blue clothing for men because they believe men prefer it.
  • Blue calls to mind feelings of calmness or serenity . It is often described as peaceful, tranquil, secure, and orderly.
  • Blue can also create feelings of sadness or aloofness .
  • Blue is often used to decorate offices because research has shown that people are more productive in blue rooms .
  • Blue is one of the most popular colors, but it is one of the least appetizing . Some weight loss plans even recommend eating your food off of a blue plate. Blue rarely occurs naturally in food aside from blueberries and some plums. Also, humans are learned to avoid foods that are poisonous and blue coloring in food is often a sign of poilage or poison.
  • Blue can also lower the pulse rate and body temperature.
  • Consider how blue is used in language : blue moon, blue Monday, blue blood, the blues, and blue ribbon.

The Color Psychology of Green

  • Green is a cool color that symbolizes nature and the natural world.
  • Grean also represents tranquility, good luck, health, and jealousy .
  • Researchers have also found that green can improve reading ability . Some students may find that laying a transparent sheet of green paper over reading material increases reading speed and comprehension.
  • Green has long been a symbol of fertility and was once the preferred color choice for wedding gowns in the 15th-century. Even today, green M & M's (an American chocolate candy) are said to send a sexual message.
  • Green is often used in decorating for its calming effect. For example, guests waiting to appear on television programs often wait in a "green room" to relax.
  • Green is thought to relieve stress and help heal. Those who have a green work environment experience fewer stomachaches.
  • Consider how green is used in language : green

The Color Psychology of Yellow

  • Yellow is a bright that is often described as cheery

    and warm
  • Yellow is also the most fatiguing to the eye due to the high amount of light that is reflected. Using yellow as a background on paper or computer monitors can lead to eyestrain or vision loss in extreme cases.
  • Yellow can also create feelings of frustration and anger . While it is considered a cheerful color, people are more likely to lose their tempers in yellow rooms and babies tend to cry more in yellow rooms.
  • Yellow can also increase the metabolism .
  • Since yellow is the most visible color, it is also the most attention-getting color Yellow can be used in small amount to draw notice, such as on traffic sign or advertisements

The Color Psychology of Purple

  • Purple is the symbol of royalty and wealth .
  • Purple also represents wisdom.
  • Purple does not often occur in nature, it can sometimes appear exotic or artificial .
  • Purple also shows spirituality .

The Color Psychology of Brown

  • Brown is a natural color that evokes a sense of strength and reliability.
  • Brown can also create feelings of sadness and isolation.
  • Brown brings to mind feeling of warmth, comfort, and security.
  • Brown is often described as natural, down-to-earth, and conventional, but brown can also be sophisticated

The Color Psychology of Orange

  • Orange is a combination of yellow and red and is considered an energetic color.
  • Orange calls to mind feelings of excitement, enthusiasm, and warmth .
  • Orange is often used to draw attention , such as in traffic signs and advertising.

The Color Psychology of Pink

  • Pink is essentially a light red and is usually associated with love and romance .
  • Pink is thought to have a calming effect . One shade known as "drunk-tank pink" is sometimes used in prisons to calm inmates. Sports teams sometimes paint the opposing teams locker room pink to keep the players passive and less energetic.
  • While pink's calming effect has been demonstrated, researchers of color psychology have found that this effect only occurs during the initial exposure to the color. When used in prisons, inmates often become even more agitated once they become accustomed to the color.

Friday, March 18, 2011

Sacred Temples and Architecture

When we overlay the side-view of the human head onto many sacred places we discover a remarkable thing. The centre of the brain, the eyes, the mouth, the seventh Chakra at the bregma or crown of the head, and its centre, the bindu above the head, all seem to match up with important elements of the architectural or archaeological site. 

from:  nithyananda.org
Nithyananda idol worship 

CLAY images have been used in many tribal cultures to infuse health and illness, even death and life, into animate and inanimate beings. This is not a voodoo myth, but documented by eminent scholars, who studied these phenomena without bias...
In our Vedic culture we do not worship idols, we worship the universal energy through idols. If clay images of men and material can have so much power as demonstrated by the tribal societies, how much energy would there be in images of the Divine? Vedic seers created temples as repositories of truth and energy. They are batteries of cosmic energy that radiate this energy for thousands of years. This requires intelligence to understand, not intellectual knowledge.

... our sacred scriptures need understanding at different levels of energy, actually seven. Very few are able to understand beyond the gross physical energy level. It is not a matter of learning Sanskrit words....

...Most of our great temples are built upon or created by enlightened Masters who imbued them with their own energy. When you pray in an energy field like that, your prayers do come true. It is like a projector that magnifies a slide onto a screen. The same way your prayers are projected into reality through the energy of the temples and the energised idols. The energy enables your body, mind and spirit to be focused on what you sincerely wish for resulting in fulfilment "

Sunday, March 13, 2011

Quote from the Old Farmer's Almanac

A man's consequence is not measured by the size of his farm. The important question is "Does he husband it well?" Occupy no more ground than you can improve in the best manner, and to the greatest advantage; for it is too prevalent a fault to cultivate imperfectly a great deal of land with much labor and expense without order, method, calculation, or profit.

- The Old Farmer's Almanac 1825

Quote Kahil Gibran

"Your children are not your children... They are the sons and daughters of life's longing for itself."

--The Prophet, Kahil Gibran

Saturday, March 12, 2011

Famous Spiritual Healers Who have Passed to the Other Side

from: spiritualhealing-now.com

Harry Edwards

There is probably no healing authority who treated a higher number of people than Harry Edwards. Initially a printer with political ambitions, he visited a spiritualist meeting and came across a medium who said he was an excellent instrument for spiritual healing. Subsequently, he made his first attempts as a spiritual healer, which were so successful and attracted such a host of visitors that he fully dedicated his life to healing. Thousands of healing stories are reported, and even in hopeless cases, healing or improvements were due to his help, although he did not even meet the majority of his patients personally. An incredible number of letters asking for remote help were sent to him from all over the world. In more than 40 years, as a spiritual healer, up to two thousand help-seekers per month visited him at his secluded sanctuary in Shere, South England. He also became famous by his public healing demonstrations, which, like the one at Royal Albert Hall in London, were attended by up to five thousand visitors. His declared task was to propagate and popularize the knowledge about spiritual healing. For instance, he also recommended the cooperation between classical medicine and spiritual healing, with the effect that there is successful cooperation of the two disciplines in England today. He set spiritual healing into a spiritualist context, talked about spirit doctors who are a prerequisite for making success possible and considered healing as a medial act.

Billy Parish

– a changed sceptic Parish, originally a supporter of the opinion that a spiritual healer or spiritual healing was an occupation for intellectually restricted women and men who are unable to think, changed into a successful spiritual healer who treated more than 500000 help-seeking patients either by contact or by absent healing. He too was told about his abilities as a healer by a medium, when his wife was suffering from cancer. After he had been able to help his wife, which was confirmed clearly by physicians, he dedicated his whole life to practice as a spiritual healer.

Frederick Joseph Jones

– a man of deep devotion Jones was the first English spiritual healer with a large clientele. He took up to healing after having visited a spiritual training group, where he heard a voice asking him to agree to being a healing medium. Subsequently, he started first attempts in a group of six patients in Wimbledon. When he had seen he was successful, he dedicated his full life to healing. One day, a physician sent him 12 patients asking for diagnosis, an ability granted to him by spiritual assistance, 10 of his diagnoses were correct. The physician was disconcerted and, when he examined the two faulty diagnoses, he found out that it was him who made the fault. During his best times as a spiritual healer, Jones treated up to 28 000 patients a year, most of them by contact. In 1933, he died at the age of 48 after eleven years of successful healing. Contemporaries say he died so young because he was so devoted and humble that he worked without consideration of his own constitution. Unlike Edwards and Parish, Jones was a spiritual healer and trance medium and spent several hours a day in trance during healing.

Francis Schlatter

– shrouded in mystery One evening in 1895, when Alderman E.L. Fox, one of the town fathers of Denver, Colorado, opened the local evening newspaper, he saw a headline saying "Miraculous healings by the remarkable French-American spiritual healer Francis Schlatter". He was thrilled and decided to visit spiritual healer Schlatter and to ask him for help for his starting deafness and a painful chronic renal disease. The next day he traveled to Albuquerque, New Mexico, and found the spiritual healer in a small house in the old town. He was so besieged by visitors that there seemed to be a lack of air for breathing. "From the very first moment when I saw the healer I felt that I would be healed and my hopes were confirmed. I stayed there for a week and saw how powerful a spiritual healer this man was", Fox said later. He invited Schlatter to come to Denver and sent him a ticket for the train. Schlatter arrived in Denver in the night of August 23. He started his healing sessions and treated between 700 and 2000 persons a day. His method mainly was to take the help-seeking people’s hands into his and to hold them for a short while. When he did that, the patients felt a slight electric shock and a tickle, followed by heat in one hand and cold in the other one. He gave healings for all sorts of illnesses. The news about his successes as a spiritual healer were spread all over the country, the newspapers published lots of articles and help-seekers came in crowds from everywhere in the US. Schlatter held non-stop healing sessions during six hours every day.
This went on till the evening of November 13. He went to bed that night as usual after having read in the bible for a little while. At six o’clock next morning, the time when he used to rise, his room was completely quiet. Fox opened the door of Schlatter’s room. His bed was empty and on his cushion he found a letter with the following text: “Mr Fox, my mission is finished and Father takes me away. Good bye, Francis Schlatter, Nov. 13.“ Schlatter was never seen again.

Bruno Gröning

- subject of high esteem, and pursuit. Bruno Gröning, a spiritual healer born in 1906 in Danzig, who emigrated to West Germany as an expellee from former East German territories after World War 2, worked as a carpenter, factory worker and docker, telegram messenger and low-voltage electrician before he came into the focus of public interest. The climax of his spiritual healer activity was in the fifties. In 1949, the name of Bruno Gröning became famous overnight. Press, radio and newsreel reported about his healings. Never before, a spiritual healer had attracted so much attention in the German-speaking area. He became target of pilgrimage for thousands of people seeking healing. In all classes of population, there were violent discussions and a lot of dispute about the case of Bruno Gröning. Emotional waves rose very high. Clerical people, physicians, journalists, the legal and political world as well as psychologists, everybody was talking about the spiritual healer Bruno Gröning: some considered his miraculous healings a gift of mercy from a superior power, others said he was a charlatan. But his healings were fact and confirmed by medical examinations.
A film was made, scientific commissions were charged with investigations and the authorities examined the case. As already mentioned, there is particular resistance against spiritual healing methods in Germany and so there were legal proceedings and prohibitions for healing. Bruno Gröning died in Paris in January 1959, where he lived in exile.