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The Human Body and It's Frequencies
Georges Lakhovsky discovered that all living cells (plants, people, bacteria, parasites, etc) possess attributes which are normally are associated with electronic circuits, Dr. Royal R. Rife found that every disease has a specific frequency and found that certain frequencies can prevent the development of disease, Professor Harold Saxton Burr showed that these L-Fields could be used to predict illness by noting variations in them, Dr Reinhold Voll identified correlations between disease states and changes in the electrical resistance of the various acupuncture points, German biophysicist Fritz-Albert Popp found that a diseased cells will radiate a different photonic signature than healthy cells of the same type and Dr Robert O. Becker found the human body has an electrical frequency and that much about a person's health can be determined and influenced by it.
...Every cell in the body vibrates at a certain frequency and groups of cells, which form together make bodily systems such as organs, have their own particular frequency, i.e. a healthy liver has a frequency of 55 to 60Hz.
OverviewEvery object on this planet, still or alive, has an electrical frequency that can be measured accurately. Electrical frequency is being measured by counting of the number of occurrences of a repeating current flow per second. This unit is called Hertz (Hz).
What Does Hertz Mean?
All atoms in the universe have vibrational motion. Each periodic motion has a “frequency”, (the number of oscillations per second), measured in Hertz:
Living organisms have measurable frequencies on various levels from the entire body down to the cellular level. That fact has enabled scientist to conduct researches on humans and map their frequencies..... Biophoton emissions will vary according to the functional state of the organism....
The most incredible discovery was that ill cells reacted to very precise levels of frequencies and were cured or eliminated whilst nearby healthy cells remained intact.
It has also been discovered that the general human healthy frequency is within the range of 62 -72 Hz and when it drops to lower levels it enables the appearance of variety of diseases. For example at the level of 58 Hz, diseases like cold and flu were more likely to appear. On much lower levels (42 Hz) Cancer appeared in many humans.
Any movement of an object in any frequency can be changed by an external intervention of another frequency and the frequency of the human body and its cells is of no exception....
... unwanted virus, toxin or infection ...has its own unique frequency which can be isolated and ‘inverted' so it is 180° out of phase, then by delivering the inverted frequencies back to the body, it will neutralise/kill the virus, toxin or infection allowing the organ to recover and normalize therefore recovering in health. It was Dr Royal Rife who first discovered the importance of frequency. ...
Frequency & Health
The human body has a normal frequency range of 62 Hz to 68 Hz, as the frequency range lowers due to the constant use of alcohol or drugs, the worse the health condition becomes. When the frequency drops, the immune system is jeopardised. If it drops to 58 Hz, cold and flu symptoms start appearing, 55 Hz trigger diseases like Candida and at 52 Hz Epstein Bar virus, Cancer is at 42 Hz and below, whilst death begins at 20 Hz.
Measuring Frequency
Bruce Tainio of Tainio Technology in Cheney, Washington , developed equipment to measure the biofrequency of humans and foods. He used this biofrequency monitor to determine the relationship between frequency and disease.
Invading pathogenic frequencies (toxins & viruses) are low. Positive beneficial bacterial frequencies are higher.
The use of electrical energy to reverse or eliminate disease led to research and discovery of electrical frequencies and how they can be used to regain, maintain and improve health.
There have been clinical studies conducted on the effectiveness of using the above techniques for asthma, allergies & skin disease.
(click above link to see this picture in full size and entire article)
The Human Body and It's Frequencies
Frequencies of the Human Body in Hz
Georges Lakhovsky discovered that all living cells (plants, people, bacteria, parasites, etc) possess attributes which are normally are associated with electronic circuits, Dr. Royal R. Rife found that every disease has a specific frequency and found that certain frequencies can prevent the development of disease, Professor Harold Saxton Burr showed that these L-Fields could be used to predict illness by noting variations in them, Dr Reinhold Voll identified correlations between disease states and changes in the electrical resistance of the various acupuncture points, German biophysicist Fritz-Albert Popp found that a diseased cells will radiate a different photonic signature than healthy cells of the same type and Dr Robert O. Becker found the human body has an electrical frequency and that much about a person's health can be determined and influenced by it.
...Every cell in the body vibrates at a certain frequency and groups of cells, which form together make bodily systems such as organs, have their own particular frequency, i.e. a healthy liver has a frequency of 55 to 60Hz.
OverviewEvery object on this planet, still or alive, has an electrical frequency that can be measured accurately. Electrical frequency is being measured by counting of the number of occurrences of a repeating current flow per second. This unit is called Hertz (Hz).
What Does Hertz Mean?
All atoms in the universe have vibrational motion. Each periodic motion has a “frequency”, (the number of oscillations per second), measured in Hertz:
- 1 Hertz (Hz) = 1 oscillation per second (ops)
- 1 Kilo Hertz (KHz) = 1,000 ops
- 1 Mega Hertz (MHz) = 1,000,000 ops or 1 million
- 1 Giga Hertz (GHz) = 1,000,000,000 ops or 1 billion
Living organisms have measurable frequencies on various levels from the entire body down to the cellular level. That fact has enabled scientist to conduct researches on humans and map their frequencies..... Biophoton emissions will vary according to the functional state of the organism....
The most incredible discovery was that ill cells reacted to very precise levels of frequencies and were cured or eliminated whilst nearby healthy cells remained intact.
It has also been discovered that the general human healthy frequency is within the range of 62 -72 Hz and when it drops to lower levels it enables the appearance of variety of diseases. For example at the level of 58 Hz, diseases like cold and flu were more likely to appear. On much lower levels (42 Hz) Cancer appeared in many humans.
Any movement of an object in any frequency can be changed by an external intervention of another frequency and the frequency of the human body and its cells is of no exception....
... unwanted virus, toxin or infection ...has its own unique frequency which can be isolated and ‘inverted' so it is 180° out of phase, then by delivering the inverted frequencies back to the body, it will neutralise/kill the virus, toxin or infection allowing the organ to recover and normalize therefore recovering in health. It was Dr Royal Rife who first discovered the importance of frequency. ...
Frequency & Health
The human body has a normal frequency range of 62 Hz to 68 Hz, as the frequency range lowers due to the constant use of alcohol or drugs, the worse the health condition becomes. When the frequency drops, the immune system is jeopardised. If it drops to 58 Hz, cold and flu symptoms start appearing, 55 Hz trigger diseases like Candida and at 52 Hz Epstein Bar virus, Cancer is at 42 Hz and below, whilst death begins at 20 Hz.
Measuring Frequency
Bruce Tainio of Tainio Technology in Cheney, Washington , developed equipment to measure the biofrequency of humans and foods. He used this biofrequency monitor to determine the relationship between frequency and disease.
The human body has an electrical frequency and that much about a person's health can be determined by it:
Normal brain frequency (head) | 72-78 Hz |
Visionary Range | 120 MHz |
Bone | 38-43 MHz |
Brain frequency at 80-82 MHz | indicates a genius |
Healthy body (neck down) | 62-68 Hz |
Thyroid and Parathyroid glands | 62-68 Hz |
Thymus Gland | 65-68 Hz |
Heart | 67-70 Hz |
Human cells start to mutate when their frequency drops below | 62 Hz |
Lungs | 58-65 Hz |
Liver | 55-60 Hz |
Pancreas | 60-80 Hz |
Disease begins, colds invade | 59-60 Hz |
Stomach | 58-65 Hz |
Ascending Colon | 58-60 Hz |
Descending Colon | 58-63 Hz |
If the frequency drops just 4 points this is when a headache will start | 58 Hz |
Disease begins, Like the cold symptoms | 58 Hz |
Flu invades the body | 57 Hz |
Viral Infection | 55 Hz |
when more serious problems come about like pneumonia, Epstein Barr and etc. | 52 Hz |
Tissue breakdown from disease | 48 Hz |
Cancer can set in | 42 Hz |
Death begins at | 20 Hz |
- Pollutants lower healthy “Frequency”
- Processed or canned food has a frequency of zero
- Fresh produce has up to 15 Hz
- Dry herbs from 12-22 Hz
- Fresh herbs from 20-27 Hz.
- Frozen foods have a frequency of zero
The use of electrical energy to reverse or eliminate disease led to research and discovery of electrical frequencies and how they can be used to regain, maintain and improve health.
There have been clinical studies conducted on the effectiveness of using the above techniques for asthma, allergies & skin disease.
Independent Clinical Trial: | Success Rate |
Clinical results for treatment of asthma | 93.7% |
Clinical results for treatment of allergic diseases | 78% to 89% |
Clinical results for treatment of allergic skin diseases | 89.9% |
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